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Wander and Wonder

Want to travel?


Not sure to travel with?


Millennial Trekker is a place for wanderers. For those constantly on Google Maps. Those searching for a quick weekend trip on the cheap.

Or maybe you saw a cool restaurant that is a only few hours away from you.

Regardless of your motives, travel is probably important to you. And it should be. Traveling is something you spend money on that makes you richer. It awakens new ideas, perspectives, stories, and relationships.

There are 3 purposes to Millennial Trekker


The first step in travel is seeing the place. Hearing about it from a friend. Looking at the location on someone's Instagram post. You have to know about a place before wanting to go!


Now that you know where you want to go - where do you start?

  • What places do you want to see when there?

  • Where should you stay?

  • Logistics (tolls, events going on in the city, etc.)

  • Itinerary

  • Best ways to travel on the cheap


It is so easy to put our dreams on the back burner.

"I'd love to see ____ one day"

Why wait for tomorrow when we have today?

Spoiler alert: you aren't getting any younger. There are plenty of ways to get out and see the world AND not spend all of your money. You just have to be smart with your money. Get Creative!

So what can you expect to see on this site?

  • Stories of the places that I have visited, people I meet, etc.

  • Trip Pics

  • Checklists

  • Ideas/itineraries from places I go


  • Advice. Making that impossible trip seem a little more possible through creative thinking, research, and learning things from past experiences (either the right way or wrong way).

I look forward to sharing this journey with you!


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